Historical Society & Village School Museum

Wessaweskeag Historical Society

Corner of Dublin Road and Elm St. (Rt. 73) in South Thomaston

P.O. Box 12 South Thomaston, ME 04858

Scroll down for our program and information on our exceptional quilt raffle!

Meeting Agenda: 

5:30pm    Review of current business

6:00pm    Potluck dinner

7:00pm    Featured presentation begins

Wessaweskeag Historical Society ~ whs.beverly@gmail.com

The Wessaweskeag Historical Society was founded three decades ago and is a nonprofit, charitable organization anchored in South Thomaston. It maintains an archives and museum, hosts monthly potluck suppers on the second Thursday of the month and heritage programming available to the public. The Society also hosts the annual Heritage Day, sponsors local historic preservation and cooperates with kindred community organizations. Higher education for local youth is supported through the Society’s scholarship program

October 12, 2023:     Bella Musica: A Musical Century in Maine by Thomas Wolf.

Thomas Wolf will present an entertaining history of how Rockport became a center of great music almost 100 years ago. His narration will be enhanced by more than sixty historical photographs and live music.

Wolf is the co-founder and former Artistic Director of Bay Chamber Concerts in Rockport. His musical roots go back four generations with a family that has summered in Rockport since 1930. Wolf made his debut as flute soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra at age fifteen and established Bay Chamber Concerts with his pianist brother, Andrew, in 1960. He led fifteen national tours as flutist and company manager of his Uncle Boris Goldovsky’s opera company, served as the founding director of the New England Foundation for the Arts, taught at Harvard University, and established an international consulting firm serving major musical organizations in 1983. His many books include The Nightingale’s Sonata, a memoir about his musical family and Musical Gifts or How a Maine Fishing Village Became a Center for Great Music. 

November 9, 2023: “New England Textile History” by Jan.

December 14, 2023:  “Yankee Swap”   fun-filled Membership only Christmas Party!